Welcome to the Cryptoland!

Email: Meta@Mycrypto.land



01. Metaverse

Players can enter game through phones, PC, VR and CryptoBox devices. Players can create their own role and arms freely,Cryptoland opened up the boundary between the game and reality

02. device

Cryptobox access to ChatGPT. Players can talk with game characters in the real world through devices,Players can mine through Cryptobox to get game gold coins

Drive by Android, ChatGPT

03. characters

The clothing of players in the game can be sync to Cryptobox.The character can accompany the player to fight in the game, or it can be a personal assistant in the real world.


Players who buy the game characters and

characters skin can be synch to Cryptobox.

Players can control the character

to operate the game through voice.

Players holding land can build the playground and set levels to allow players to participate in the adventure. They can dig gold, petroleum and other game props. Holding land can produce game gold coin-$Play
